ABS Brakes Operation And Description
Anti-lock brakes are designed to prevent skidding and help drivers maintain steering control during an emergency stopping situation. In cars equipped with conventional brakes , the driver pumps the brakes, whereas in cars equipped with four-wheel ABS, the driver keeps a firm foot on the brake allowing the system to rapidly and automatically pump the brakes. Because the wheels don't lock up, drivers have the ability to steer around hazards if they are unable to stop in time.
When the braking force created by the driver is greater than the tire can handle, the wheel can lock up. Locking wheels can create vehicle instability problems and prevent steering around obstacles in the road. Stopping distance on many slippery surfaces will also increase with locked wheels. Four-wheel ABS prevents wheel lock-up in situations in which the wheels might normally lock, such as on slippery roads.
ABS can also prevent tire damage. Locked wheels on dry asphalt or concrete can quickly create flat spots on tires, which can cause an annoying vibration while driving.
When a driver operating a four-wheel ABS-equipped vehicle steps firmly on the brake pedal, the system automatically modulates the brake pressure at all four wheels, adjusting pressure to each wheel independently to prevent wheel lock-up.
With ABS, stopping distances decrease in many cases and the driver can maintain steering control of the vehicle. Importantly, four-wheel ABS allows the driver continuing control to help steer around hazards if a complete stop cannot be accomplished in time.
Some ABS Problems Solved ABS computer trouble code listI checked the fuses in the Chevy Venture Van 2004 also I replaced the bulbs on the tail lights and when I step on the breaks my break lights dont go on... Can anyone tell me what this issue is?
-The circuit boards that the brake light bulbs fit into can be bad as well. You have someone hit the brakes and you check for power at each connector on either taillight with a test lamp. If you have power, you know the circuit boards are faulty. If you don't have power, then you either have a bad brake lamp switch, or a wiring problem.
I have a 1996 Chevy Cavalier with ABS. When i put the brakes on it likes to bunny jump how do i need to fix it.
-Not sure what that means. If you mean that the car is bouncing or pulsating, then it sounds your car has warped front rotors. This will cuase the brake pedal to bounce and the car to sort of surge.