Basic Auto Repair Checks And Maintenance

Taking Your Car in for Repair?
Before taking your car in for repairs, you may want to check our website for Free questions and answers for your particular car, learn how some basic systems work, get information on some common problems for your car or truck, or just learn about basic terminology.
See our links to common inspections below.

The more information you have, the more intelligent you will be when car repairs are needed. The repair shop will inspect your car and give you an estimate of repairs before beginning the work. It is a good idea to ask to see the damaged or worn parts before repairs are made.

Whenever possible, insist on factory OEM parts. There are many aftermarket companies that try to duplicate car parts. The old saying 'You get what you pay for' is very real when it comes to car repair.



If you are not sure of the reason the part must but replaced ask the technician to show you the specific damage and why the part has failed. This is were the more knowledge you comes in very handy.

It never hurts to get a second opinion. Once you have received the first estimate, try checking around at a few shops and make an informed decision. Car repair can get very expensive if not properly diagnosed.

If the damaged part of the car is the result of an accident, your car insurance company could help offset the costs. The coverage amount varies by company.

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