Flashing light on rear window defroster makes climate panel inoperative.

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Flashing light on rear window defroster makes climate panel inoperative.

Unread post by Guest » Fri May 27, 2022 12:24 pm

The vehicle is a 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT. 110,500 miles. The blend door actuator was clicking when I turned on the A/C. My local mechanic (not dealer) installed a Dorman actuator on the driver's side. The clicking stopped, but now until the rear defroster light stops flashing, the A/C will not work. When it does work sometimes cold air comes from the passenger vents, but hot air comes from the driver vents. Turning the A/C off and on a few times restores cold air from both.

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Re: Flashing light on rear window defroster makes climate panel inoperative.

Unread post by carriedi » Sat May 28, 2022 4:16 am

you should have the ac scanned for codes and look at the operation of the actuators. Usually the clicking coming from an actuator is because the teeth between the worm gear and wheel have worn out and are skipping. After replacing the actuator you need to calibrate the system. The computer looks at the doors and looks at the swing between open all the way to closed all the way and programs from there. See if someone can use a scanner that looks at the actuators and see what they are doing when you move the actuators, See if they are all in sync and moving freely

If there is something that is interfering with the door travel, that could also cause a code because the door is not moving all the way (getting stuck)

I would try the calibration first.

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Re: Flashing light on rear window defroster makes climate panel inoperative.

Unread post by terrycowan » Sat May 28, 2022 1:37 pm

Thanks for the help. I tried to calibrate, but didn't work. The power button is the fan speed dial and the recycle button is in the center. When I turned the dial to the on position and held the recycle button in, the A/C was activated automatically. Interesting, though...my van is parked in a very quiet place. When I turned on the ignition the rear defroster light started flashing per usual. I listened and could hear motors whirring and parts moving for about thirty seconds, then the control panel became active. I wonder if you last comment is the problem, a blend door is not operating correctly. Since I am getting hot air out of the driver vents, it is probably that door. I suppose the entire dash needs to come out to examine that door. :(

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Re: Flashing light on rear window defroster makes climate panel inoperative.

Unread post by carriedi » Sat May 28, 2022 3:56 pm

the correct scanner can look at the actuators and can see the sweep of the doors without taking the plenum out to see how the doors are working.

you could take the drivers blend door actuator out and see how the door moves by moving it by hand. See if it moves with no restrictions. If you do feel some drag spots you may have to remove the plenum and see if the door is broken and dragging against the box. It's possible that's what may have caused the old actuator to get worn out. too much drag on the actuator caused the gears to wear out. Maybe not but it's possible.

The scanner would really help because you can watch the actuator request and the response from the actuator. then compare it to the right side blend door actuator.

the drivers side blend door actuator is on the drivers side of the plenum up near the top. It only has two screws that hold it in. It's a little awkward to get at but not real bad.
drivers blend door actuator.jpg

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Re: Flashing light on rear window defroster makes climate panel inoperative.

Unread post by terrycowan » Sat May 28, 2022 4:13 pm

Thanks again. I don't have a scanner, but will talk with my mechanic and walk through your suggestions.

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Re: Flashing light on rear window defroster makes climate panel inoperative.

Unread post by carriedi » Sun May 29, 2022 1:33 pm

let me know what you find out after the fix is in...

thank you


Re: Flashing light on rear window defroster makes climate panel inoperative.

Unread post by CalebM » Wed Aug 09, 2023 6:02 pm

Did anyone ever find a solution for this? I have the exact same issue.

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Re: Flashing light on rear window defroster makes climate panel inoperative.

Unread post by carriedi » Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:55 pm

I haven't heard back but a common fix is an actuator replacement. Scanning for codes will lead you in a direction


Re: Flashing light on rear window defroster makes climate panel inoperative.

Unread post by Wil » Mon Aug 14, 2023 10:09 pm

CalebM wrote:
Wed Aug 09, 2023 6:02 pm
Did anyone ever find a solution for this? I have the exact same issue.
So, I had to replace my battery, rear def starts blinking and rear passenger side makes clicking noise. 2 weeks later I went to fix the actuator and before doing so, it stopped, rear def not blinking everything normal. 4 weeks later, my battwry cable came loose and had to remount it. Now rear def light blinks and actuator is clicking again. How long does it take for.the system to reset once battery is disconnected? Do I habe to disconnect for full 30 mins to do proper reset?

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Re: Flashing light on rear window defroster makes climate panel inoperative.

Unread post by carriedi » Tue Aug 15, 2023 4:36 pm

what year is your model?