2013 dodge journey

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replaced timing chain

Unread post by michael » Mon Nov 22, 2021 4:15 pm

hi i just replaced the timing chain on a 06 dodge ram 1500 v6 i trippled checked the timing and it is correct and it still will not start and i also replaced the camshaft sensor still nothing what else can it be

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Re: replaced timing chain

Unread post by carriedi » Tue Nov 23, 2021 8:36 am

I know you said that you triple checked the timing but is that rotating the engine and then verifying the marks all line up in the correct positions? Does the engine sound normal when it is cranking?

you can also scan for code P0016. see if the computer sees a mismatched cam/crank correlation.

did you make sure that you didn't let any of the camshafts or the crank move independently of each other? (they could move slightly for sprocket installation) Could cause valve damage...

do not hold the target wheel on the cam to remove of tighten the cam sprocket bolt. that could also cause a no start condition. here's a pic of how the bcam sprocket bolts should be removed and re-tightened.
holding cam in place.jpg


2013 dodge journey

Unread post by guest » Mon Feb 28, 2022 6:41 am

battery saving mode on battery light on...altenator a year old battery replaced

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Re: 2013 dodge jpurney

Unread post by carriedi » Mon Feb 28, 2022 11:36 am

Why did you replace the battery? Why did you replace the alternator? Is the battery saver light on and the Battery light on? Or is it one or the other?

Battery saver has to do with the lighting system. It will turn off lights that are on after you shut off the key. Is this light on while you are driving?

battery light tells you that the battery is not getting charged. Have you checked the battery voltage while the vehicle is running? What voltage reading do you get?

The charging system is controlled by computer. You should have the vehicle scanned to see if there are codes stored for charging. Also the scanner can see what the alternator is doing and how the computer is trying to handle the problem. If the computer is sending the signal to the alternator and if the alternator is responding to the signal. If the computer is sending the signal out but the alternator is not charging you have to verify the signal at the alternator. If the computer signal is at the alternator then it may be time to check the warranty on the alternator. If the signal is not there at the alternator connector then you have to check if there is a broken connection between the computer and the alternator connector. (brown and gray wire at the alternator is the field control wire} You should also make sure the alternator has a good ground.


Dodge Dakota

Unread post by WTF » Thu Aug 04, 2022 6:27 am

I have an 02 Dodge Dakota got home the other day turned it off went out the next day tried to start it but no start it cranks but I'm not getting any spark and I'm not getting any fuel up to the motor I replaced the starter coil pack that wasn't the problem thinking that went up that might have been the problem of why I didn't have any Spark

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Re: Dodge Dakota

Unread post by carriedi » Fri Aug 05, 2022 4:13 am

what engine are you working on? 2.5, 3.9, 4.7, 5.9...

One of the first things I would look at is the crank sensor. Use a scanner and see if you show an RPM signal while cranking. If the computer doesn't see the engine cranking it won't run the fuel pump and send the signal to fire the coil. (Did you check for injector pulse?)

where are you checking for spark? at the coil? (depending on engine)

the crank sensor, the cam sensor and their connectors (wiring) should be looked at to see if they are sending the correct signals to the computer.

with a scanner, you could look at the cam and crank sensors while you crank the engine. Without a scanner, the next best way to check the crank sensor would be to use a graphing multimeter. You could use a good regular multimeter but it might be hard to catch the signal.

I don't think it is an engine immobilizer issue because the system would start and then shut down in 2 seconds and not a crank / no start


Starting problems

Unread post by Guest » Sat Apr 29, 2023 11:51 am

2007 Jeep commander.when starting car in park it starts but run poorly sounds like starter is still engaged.Shut car off put it in neutral and it starts and runs just fine?

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Re: Starting problems

Unread post by carriedi » Sun Apr 30, 2023 8:00 pm

that is strange, the park and the neutral signal should both do the same thing when you go to start the engine. Is it always, noise when starting from park but normal when you start from neutral? Or is it an intermittent thing from park?

you should use a test light and see what the Yellow/gray wire from the starter relay to the starter is doing when you start the engine in both the park and neutral are showing. Is the starter getting a continuous power to the starter when you start it from park?

has there been any electrical add-ons to your vehicle? Stereo, lighting...


2015 dodge journey

Unread post by guest » Sun Jul 30, 2023 6:07 pm

The air compressor in my 2015 Dodge Journey went out and my air conditioner quit working. The compressor has been replaced as well as the freon. I blew out cold air for 2 days and now its just blowing out air. What can

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Re: 2015 dodge journey

Unread post by carriedi » Mon Jul 31, 2023 10:27 am

I would suspect that a leak may be the problem. Put a set of gauges on the system and see if the pressure looks good. If the system pressure isn't high enough the pressure sensor will not let the compressor turn on to protect the system.

when you turn the AC on, does the compressor turn on or not? If it turns on but the vent temp. isn't getting cold, that would be a different problem. If the compressor doesn't turn on, then I would suspect that there is a leak. Most AC oil has an UV dye in it. A black light would help you locate the leak.

who did the replacement? If a shop did the work, they should check their work and see if there is a leak in the part they worked on. they might fix and replace the refrigerant under warranty.

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