turn signal

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What does it mean

Unread post by dlopez1119 » Mon Aug 11, 2014 6:39 am

I was driving my 2000 Dodge Durango and the abs and brake light came on and it was making a sound of something running. I shut the truck off and something was still on.. Then my check engine light also came on.

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Re: What does it mean

Unread post by carriedi » Mon Aug 11, 2014 10:00 am

you should have your truck scanned for codes. it's the only thing that will tell why the lights are on.

was the noise coming from the engine compartment? it could have been the abs pump turning on. that's just a guess though.

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Re: What does it mean

Unread post by dlopez1119 » Mon Aug 11, 2014 1:25 pm

Yes it was the abs pump. Can that be disconnected? Can I drive my truck with those lights on.

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Re: What does it mean

Unread post by carriedi » Tue Aug 12, 2014 12:00 am

you can drive with the lights on. however, with the lights on especially the check engine light on, the vehicle might not drive at it's best. you should have it scanned to see what the codes are. I cannot tell you to disconnect anything that has to do with the operation of your braking system. while you may not need ABS braking normally if you ever needed it and am involved in an accident a lot of liabilities will come into affect.

ignoring the warning systems on your vehicle is not a great idea. something is wrong. it may be something minor but it could also be the beginning of something that may be important.

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Re: What does it mean

Unread post by dlopez1119 » Tue Aug 12, 2014 8:27 am

Thank you I will have it checked today. I'll keep you informed as to what the codes are for help.

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Re: What does it mean

Unread post by Thisthishehe » Thu Apr 09, 2015 1:35 am

you should use a scanner and see what it says about your transmission. sounds like you might be losing your trans. see what you pressures are and if it has the pid for material wear.


turn signal

Unread post by guest » Fri Oct 15, 2021 3:13 pm

2007 dodge caravan front turn signals wont work with headlights on

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Re: turn signal

Unread post by carriedi » Sun Oct 17, 2021 4:27 am

the closest part of the headlight system to the turn system would be the parking lights. has any one changed any bulbs lately?

Does the brake light work normally when the headlights are on?

does the hazard switch turn on the 4 way flasher on normally with headlights on and off?

because the turn signal and the park lights use the same bulbs, just different filaments, it's something that could tie the two circuits together. If it's not a bulb crossed, or something like that, You will need to do some testing with a scanner. the exterior lighting for the headlights and brake and turn go through the Integrated power module and the body control module.

With the scanner you should be able to connect to the body control module and see if the turn signal switch is requesting the light on. Comparing headlight on and headlights off. Then check the out puts on the BCM and see if it is trying to work. It's possible that you may need to reflash to see if that could fix the problem if other things all look good. Don't go and try replacing parts. test how the system works first