2011 Dodge Journey R/T push button start

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2003 Dodge Stratus Oxygen Sensor Low Problem

Unread post by Dodgestratus » Mon Jan 17, 2011 11:59 am

I have a 2003 dodge stratus rt 3.0. Its coming up on the computer that 5 sensors are reading low? What could that be?
its the idle control sensor 2 oxygen sensors and rpm and another one.

When we got the car it would stahl out everytime you went to make a stop. we cleaned the idle control sensor and it ran fine. but it is at a garage and the guy will not let me take the car because of that. he said it could be a ground issue or something on that lines

I know it needs fixed so can you help

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Re: Sensor Problem

Unread post by butchkaz » Sat Mar 26, 2011 5:16 pm

Yes, this could be a ground problem. Or it can also be a voltage feed problem. The computer sends voltage to many different sensors, and then reads the return voltage to calculate a reading. If several sensors showing this problem, you either have a wiring problem that is common with them, or the computer is not sending the proper voltage.
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canister purge valve on a 2002 dodge neon

Unread post by ljackson37 » Thu Feb 14, 2013 3:57 am

Hi Do anyone out there know how to install a canister purge valve on a 2002 dodge neon,if so pleas send me details on how to install it would be gladly appreciated.

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Re: canister purge valve on a 2002 dodge neon

Unread post by TerryAuto » Thu Feb 14, 2013 3:33 pm

The canister purge valve on your Dodge should be located on the passenger side of the engine compartment, sort of between the strut tower and the A/C lines.

If your check engine light is on, make sure to check that your gas cap is tight and the seal is not broken or cracked as this will also give an EVAP code.

It just clips onto a bracket with 1 electrcial conector and few lines. It will look something like this...
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2001 Durango Idle Speed

Unread post by captainmike500 » Sun Jul 07, 2013 11:45 am

I have an 2001 Durango 8 cyl. 2 cyl. have 0 compression. I have shut off the fuel pump to those 2 cylinders so I can run on 6 cyl, but the idle is too low and it stalls at every stop. Is there a way to override/modify the computer controlled idle speed?

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Re: 2001 Durango Idle Speed

Unread post by carriedi » Mon Jul 08, 2013 3:02 am

you can adjust the throttle but it is not recommended. (of course) there is a cap over the adjuster. there is a minimum airflow test you should to see if the throttle body should be cleaned out for coking. If throttle body is clean and still have idle problems, Minimun air flow test should be 500-900rpm, the recommendation is to replace the throttle body assembly.

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dodge dakota 1998 engine shuts off

Unread post by fullmonty » Wed Apr 09, 2014 10:45 pm

My wife's 1998 dodge Dakota will sometimes shut down at stop, sometimes hard to restart, other times it will shut down at driving speeds and restart fairly easy ?, and tthen other times it will run fine for 2 or 3 days and again start shutting off ? been told it may be fuel pump, but hate to spend that much $$$ when it could be a relay ?, anyway to test the problem that is less expensive ? no check engine light comes on !

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Re: dodge dakota 1998 engine shuts off

Unread post by carriedi » Thu Apr 10, 2014 6:20 am

Intermittent problems are tough to know for sure unless there are other related thing you can look at. Otherwise it is just guessing. Dying when coming to a stop could be throttle body coking. Use a scanner and do a minimum idle test. The scanner will turn off the IAC and if the engine dies or the idle goes too low you should look at the throttle body bore and plate to see if it is coked up. Clean, adjust and re-test until idle is at least at minimum idle speed.

dying while driving is another problem (usually) You could look at the fuel pressure. you could look at your fuel trims while you are driving. you could also use a lab scope and look at the fuel pump waveform. But, it could be an intermittent ground or power problem. Fuel pump relay, ASD relay it could even be the computer turning off... you have to catch the problem when it happens to be more sure you can pin it down.

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hard start cold

Unread post by loner79 » Wed Dec 24, 2014 3:15 pm

96 ram 1500 5.2 hard start cold. Engine wont idle stalls hesitates. Chamged coolant temp,air intake , cam pos. sensors also air idle control Starts n runs great warm.

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Re: hard start cold

Unread post by carriedi » Thu Dec 25, 2014 5:31 pm

a couple of problems that are related to a hard start cold condition are, 1. fuel pressure 2. pcm

1. cold: fuel pressure may be low enough to cause a hard start or long crank until enough pressure builds up to allow the engine to run. You can test the fuel pressure when it has been sitting and is cold, you can try cycling the key on and off three or four times (will allow the pump to cycle on a few times) before you go and start the engine.

2. does the check engine flash fast when you first turn on the key? There are some PCMs that have a pattern failure for a cold start condition.

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2011 Dodge Journey R/T push button start

Unread post by steveh » Wed Dec 07, 2016 10:48 pm

After going thru a nightmare with the pushbutton start on my 2011 Dodge Journey R/T, I'm wondering how hard it would be to revert back to the good old key ignition. Thanks for any thoughts, Steve

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Re: 2011 Dodge Journey R/T push button start

Unread post by carriedi » Thu Dec 08, 2016 9:04 pm

It would be very difficult. The current starter system uses the power control module, the body control module and the transmission range sensor to tell the starter relay to energize the starter solenoid. You could make a circuit that would power up the starter but you would still need to have the modules turn on and see that the system wants to start and run.

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