05 dodge ram gear problems

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Hard to get into Reverse when cold 96 B2500 Ram Van

Unread post by Meridivs » Wed Dec 11, 2013 5:17 am

We have recently acquired a '96 Dodge RAM B2500 Conversion Van.

Since winter came around it developed a strange problem just after starting - if we try to put it into reverse with the transmission cold it would sit for around 40-50 seconds doing nothing then it would "bump" hard into gear.

With the AT fluid hot everything works as it should, the Reverse engages smoothly as soon as we move the lever.

Any idea why this happens and how we can fix it?

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Re: Hard to get into Reverse when cold 96 B2500 Ram Van

Unread post by carriedi » Thu Dec 12, 2013 11:53 am

some valve bodies can cause this, the reverse band could cause this, the regulator valve pieces too. you should talk to a transmission shop in your area.

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05 dodge ram gear problems

Unread post by ellie » Sun Jan 25, 2015 11:14 pm

I can't get my 2005 dodge 3500 to shift into drive like it should. I've been told it! concerns a switch somewhere between the brake pedal and shift lever but I don't know where that is or what to do. Help

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Re: 05 dodge ram gear problems

Unread post by carriedi » Mon Jan 26, 2015 11:57 am

I need more information about what your problem is. Are you talking about a problem with the shifter coming out of park? Are you talking about when you put the shifter in drive the vehicle won't go into drive in the trans? (just stays in neutral) Or what...

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Re: 05 dodge ram gear problems

Unread post by ellie » Mon Jan 26, 2015 4:38 pm

It won't go out of park even with my foot on the brake. I just let it idle for a lengthy time and eventually it will go into drive but not easily at all!!

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Re: 05 dodge ram gear problems

Unread post by carriedi » Mon Jan 26, 2015 8:55 pm

so you mean that you can't get the shift lever out of park then right? Now that the trans won't go into drive...

you have a brake switch that sends a signal to a solenoid on the steering column that locks the shifter in park until it see that the brake is on. If is sees the brake on then it will turn the solenoid on and release the shift lever so you can move it. the solenoid works on the side of the steering column

Are your brake lights working (turning on) when you push on the brake pedal?
2005 dodge 3500 brake interlock solenoid and multi function switch diagram.
dodge-ram-brake-interlock-solenoid.jpg (54.71 KiB) Viewed 12590 times

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Dodge Transmission valve body question

Unread post by mylesd » Fri Jul 22, 2016 8:28 pm

My car has the issue where it goes into limp mode due to code 1776 (L/R solenoid switch valve latched in closed/open position).....but only after warming up, driving for 20 mins or so. I'm very curious why it doesn't stick when its cold..never? Is it the valve/bore that has deteriorated OR the fluid (temp, cleanliness, chemical breakdown) that has occurred?

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Re: Dodge Transmission valve body question

Unread post by carriedi » Fri Jul 22, 2016 11:44 pm

I am not a tranny expert but...
it could be the valve bore is worn. it could also be debris in the fluid. The thing to check is drop the pan and see if there is debris in the pan. If you have debris in the pan you're probably looking at an replacement tranny. If there isn't much debris then a valve body replacement may take care of your trans. Depending on the year and stuff you may need a solenoid pack too.

temperature makes a difference in the fluid viscosity and also changes the clearances between the metal parts.

Check for trans TSB's for your year make and model. there are some that you check the production numbers for.

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