4Runner Climate Control issue

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4Runner Climate Control issue

Unread post by Sea35 » Thu Feb 05, 2015 9:39 pm

TOYOTA 4Runner 2002. Have an annoying problem with climate control. Control working intermittently,. Cannot control desire temperature. I read there are very common symptoms for all 1999-2002 Toyota 4Runner LE. The dealer will offer me replacement only. Maybe anybody recommends me a reliable repair service? Will be very appreciate for your tips

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Re: 4Runner Climate Control issue

Unread post by carriedi » Fri Feb 06, 2015 11:27 am

without some diagnosis it's hard to tell you what is wrong. What year is the vehicle and do you have manual or automatic temp control?

Many times the temp. control switch goes bad and blend door doesn't know what it should be set at. Symptoms of this would be that while your driving and you set the temp. and it warms up, as you continue to drive the blend door will go to cold. if you touch the control knob and move it just a little bit the temp will work again for a while and then go cold again later. as long as you move it it will work but it always goes back to cold after time. this a symptom that the blend door is losing the signal from the temp controller.

with a lab scope hooked up to the blend door actuator you would be able to see the signal and tell if the controller or the blend door actuator or a bad connection would be the problem. A lot of times a shop will replace the controller and ask you to see if the problem is gone. Many times, this will be the correct fix. but, not always. That is why using a lab scope and looking at the blend door signal will tell you what is happening.

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Re: 4Runner Climate Control issue

Unread post by Sea35 » Sat Feb 07, 2015 5:02 pm

I browsed internet. As result I found this one…
http://www.shop.modulerepairpro.com/Rep ... 2-EATC.htm

They offer the necessary diagnostics and repair.
I paid attention because they are top rated. Furthermore they are not so far from me.

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Re: 4Runner Climate Control issue

Unread post by carriedi » Mon Feb 09, 2015 1:43 am

getting a good rebuilt product would be cheaper than buying a new one. But without actually seeing the signal to know what is happening everything is just an educated guess. Which isn't always wrong. The controls are known for going bad

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Re: 4Runner Climate Control issue

Unread post by Sea35 » Mon Feb 09, 2015 8:23 pm

Of course I can go to the dealer for replacement. Obviously it is the best and easier way but not the cheapest . I am looking for good alternative.

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Re: 4Runner Climate Control issue

Unread post by carriedi » Mon Feb 09, 2015 10:00 pm

I am not referring to the part. I am saying that making sure that the part you replace is the part that will fix your problem. In most cases the controller will be the problem. Checking it to verify that the controller is the problem is what I would want to know before I buy any part. I would like to know what is broken before I buy a replacement part. But, that's just me. I am always looking at what went wrong and what will fix it rather than a "try this" and see if it works. I have done that and it works a lot of the time. But I prefer to not spend money on parts that I don't really need.

It probably is going to be a bad controller. They do go bad. New, reconditioned, used, doesn't make any difference if they fix the problem. I would just want to be sure before I buy any part.

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Re: 4Runner Climate Control issue

Unread post by Sea35 » Tue Feb 10, 2015 9:59 pm

Thank you for the opinion!

This service is around the corner actually)) . I called them and made an appointment for tomorrow. They promise to diagnose and repair my EATC if necessary. They give a guarantee
I’ll try it probably

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Re: 4Runner Climate Control issue

Unread post by carriedi » Wed Feb 11, 2015 11:34 am

that sounds great. this way you know you're going to get the problem fixed and have a warranty.

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Re: 4Runner Climate Control issue

Unread post by Sea35 » Wed Feb 11, 2015 9:37 pm

I left my car in Module Repair Pro and went for lunch with my colleague . When I came back my car had been ready. I paid the promised price. The service was great and professional.
The warranty is a plus of this service.

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Re: 4Runner Climate Control issue

Unread post by carriedi » Thu Feb 12, 2015 12:06 am

congrats, glad you were able to get it fixed

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Re: 4Runner Climate Control issue

Unread post by Sea35 » Thu Feb 12, 2015 11:54 pm

Thank you for a great support!