'94 Explorer - Intermittent Crank/No Start

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'94 Explorer - Intermittent Crank/No Start

Unread post by dluke » Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:01 pm

I've got a 94 Explorer with an intermittent issue where it cranks but wont start. The shop first put in a new Starter, which now makes no sense after researching on my own. They also replaced the Crank Sensor. The problem continued but I cant leave it there for the week they want to diagnose. They mentioned maybe something is overheating the starter (??)

After doing some research, I swapped the AC Relay with the Fuel Pump Relay and didn't have the problem for several weeks (possibly a coincidence?). The problem has returned this week and happens daily. Sometimes it will start after 10 minutes, sometimes it has to sit a few hours. It usually cold starts fine in the morning, but will have the problem after its been driven.

What could this be? Getting frustrated, and have no auto repair knowledge. Thanks in advance for any help! :?

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Re: '94 Explorer - Intermittent Crank/No Start

Unread post by carriedi » Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:15 pm

to find a problem with a no start you usually have to check it when it doesn't start and see what is missing. Spark, fuel pressure, injector pulse. You may need to hook up and monitor the cam and crank sensors together. Make sure they are both seeing the correct image. also, sometimes the DPFE will short the system. all you do is unplug it and see if it starts right up. ECM's have sometimes done this. Problem is that when it's not happening it's because everything is working normally. And that's all the shop will see. Everything normal. They are going to need to have it for a while to check the car when it is not working normal to see what is different.

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03 Ford Excursion diesel Dash out behind steering wheel

Unread post by Jax » Mon Jul 07, 2014 3:23 pm

Could someone please give me am idea of what is Wong with my truck. The whole dash behind steering wheel is out. I checked the fuses. No luck. Nothing works. The compass up above near roof light works, radio works and ac. This is a diesel ford excursion 03.

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Re: 03 Ford Excursion diesel Dash out behind steering wheel

Unread post by carriedi » Mon Jul 07, 2014 9:17 pm

the instrument cluster and gauges are non-repairable at the dealership level. No adjustment, calibration or maintenance is required for any gauges.

central junction box fuses #33 a 15A, #35 a 10A, #41 a 10A and #45 a 10A are for the cluster. If all the fuses are good see if they are powering up. you can scan the cluster and see if there is any communication there. If the power looks good verify the grounds. If they all check out, probably going to need to replace the instrument cluster. Check everything first

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Re: 03 Ford Excursion diesel Dash out behind steering wheel

Unread post by Jax » Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:19 pm

Thanks so much!!' As a single mom you have helped me save so much time and money!!! I had changed a couple of the fuses before I posted but the other ones I did not know to do. My truck dash is working!!! I will spread the word to other do it your selfer moms about your web site! :D

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steering columns

Unread post by Phil59 » Sun Aug 03, 2014 12:44 am

will a steering column from a 1998 ford expedition fit a 1996 ford F150

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Re: steering columns

Unread post by carriedi » Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:36 pm

check with a local wrecking yard. they have interchange books that will tell what can be interchanged and what parts you would need to complete that change over.


2009 ford explorer wont crank

Unread post by guest » Thu Mar 23, 2023 12:09 pm

I have a 2009 ford explorer that will not crank over All dash lights are on turn key nothing Security light is blinking fast tried reset the key using ford procedure using door then ignition switch Checked all fuses and breakers every thing is good tried using cheap code reader but reader says it cant find car but reader works in other car Could reader plug be dead also
please help
thank you Bob

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Re: 2009 ford explorer wont crank

Unread post by carriedi » Sat Mar 25, 2023 12:24 am

with the security light flashing I would try another key and see what happens. most code readers are for engine codes. security codes are from a different module. Find a scanner that does more than a code reader. See if you have pats codes stored. you might have to reprogram your keys to your car.

you can test your starter relay and it's operation in the battery junction box on the left side fender apron. and fuses 11 (30A) fuse 3 (50A) and fuse 8 (15A) making sure they are all good. Check the neutral safety switch and ignition switch. All of these can cause a no crank condition but NONE of these would cause the security light to flash.

so, scan the pats module and let me know what you find out

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