95 ford fuel system 5.8 f350

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Oil light warning message on dash panel.

Unread post by ronalddinnebeck » Mon Feb 25, 2013 8:05 pm

2004 Lincoln Aviator. Oil light warning message. After oil is changed.Where is the reset for the warning signal in the dash panel?

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Re: Oil light warning message on dash panel.

Unread post by ProTech » Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:02 pm

Ok, if you're seeing an actual 'warning' message about the oil you need to stop driving your vehicle immediately. This is NOT something that can be reset like a 'change oil' light. The warning is there to tell you that you either have no oil in the vehicle or very low oil pressure which can lead to catastrophic engine damage. If this happened right after an oil change, then something went wrong and you should get it checked out immediately!
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Re: Oil light warning message on dash panel.

Unread post by ronalddinnebeck » Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:08 am

Thanks for the info. I had the oil changed by a service tech at a service shop. He said that he had reset it. I just wanted to know if my thoughts were right about the reset being done in the info center in the car. We usually do our own work on our cars, trucks and equipment, but it is still freezing here at night, and my shop floor is pretty cold. I also had them change the rear differential fluid, so on the creeper for an extended period of time it would have been a pretty slow and chilly job. Thanks again, Ron.

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2004 Ford Expedition oil leak at radiator

Unread post by Droptine61 » Fri Dec 30, 2016 3:37 pm

With my 2004 Expedition,(5.3-auto), I am having difficulty with an oil leak from the hoses/connectors to the oil cooler at radiator.
The snap plastic connectors which attach the metal oil lines to the oil cooler leak just enough to coat the underwood with mist attracting dirt/grime as well as causing a slow drip while engine is running.
I have searched for the replacement plastic push in fittings where line inserts into oil cooler.
At this point I m ready to purchase both steel oil lines which I believe have the proper plastic connector fittings with - I think o rings necessary.
Long winded question- can anyone recommend parts vendor who can provide oil lines with appropriate connector fittings for both lines?
In the past I have had poor luck with vendors requiring use of old connectors as well as a reputable mechanic whose "fix" lasted less than 5k miles.
I do almost all work on this vehicle in house and need to identify a good vendor who is knowledgeable and stand by parts-any help advice from someone who had been down this road before is greatly appreciated
Again thanks for any comments/advice

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Re: 2004 Ford Expedition oil leak at radiator

Unread post by carriedi » Sat Dec 31, 2016 10:11 pm

have you checked with a tranny shop or a radiator shop? Most of the times it's the o-rings that will get old and leak. Depending on the type of line connector your particular line has you might be able to remove the line replace the o-rings and replace the line and stop the leak. Some after market manufacturers make replacement fittings for the radiator. I know Dorman makes some

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95 ford fuel system 5.8 f350

Unread post by rick123458 » Thu Jan 19, 2017 9:34 am

truck runs perfect when cold. when it warms up fuel pump stops working. relay is good in fuse box. any other relays or computers that would shut down the fuel pump?

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Re: 95 ford fuel system 5.8 f350

Unread post by carriedi » Sun Jan 22, 2017 3:06 pm

well, the way it is supposed to work is the computer turns on the relay. the relay goes through the inertia switch to the fuel pump.

how do you know the fuel pump stops working? Are you measuring the fuel pump pressure? Are you checking the voltage and ground at the fuel pump? Dark green and yellow is the color of the wire from the fuel pump relay to the inertia switch. Red and yellow is the color for the wire from the inertia switch to the fuel pump. (depending on if you have single or dual tanks)

It is also possible that the fuel pump itself is getting hot and shutting down. If you have good power and ground to the fuel pump but the fuel pump is not running then I would look at the fuel pump. Depending on what you find, if you have a problem with power or ground you just have to follw what you are missing back the the source of the problem.

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