Ford 2010 explorer 4.0 overheating when not accelerating

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problem with starting 04 ford Explorer

Unread post by dfields » Sun Dec 30, 2012 10:21 am

i left my light on and ran down my battery, when i tried to jump start it the starter would not engage. put in new battery samething, what is the problem?

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Re: problem with starting 04 ford Explorer

Unread post by butchkaz » Tue Jan 01, 2013 7:49 pm

When you tried to jump start it, did you make a large spark at the cables?
Just to be sure, did hook the cables up correctly?
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Re: problem with starting 04 ford Explorer

Unread post by dfields » Tue Jan 01, 2013 11:09 pm

butchkaz wrote:When you tried to jump start it, did you make a large spark at the cables?
Just to be sure, did hook the cables up correctly?
No big spark normal but when i tried to start car before jumper cables hooked the car turned over then normal clug, clug, click, click, ect,ect.
then starter would not engage after jumper cables applied? or new battery?

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Re: problem with starting 04 ford Explorer

Unread post by butchkaz » Wed Jan 02, 2013 12:04 am

OK. A few possibilities.
A fuse may have blown.
A relay may have burned.
Or the starter is just stuck. I have seen this a few times when trying to crank an engine with a weak battery. The starter actually gets stuck engaged to the flywheel and does not operate. A way to check that and free it up it to either grab the engine belt to turn the engine by hand.(Be very careful) This will turn the flywheel and disengage the starter, then it will funtion normaly after that. Or use a wrench or socket on the crank pulley center bolt to turn the engine. It only has to move a little bit. You would hear a clunk of the starter releasing if this is the problem.

Other that that, you will need to check for power to the starter solenoid. If non, then electrical testing would be needed of the starter circuit. If you do have power to the starter, and it does not turn, then the starter is bad.
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88 Ford f150 4x4 won't stay running

Unread post by cdyschlic27 » Wed Jul 16, 2014 4:14 pm

My 88 Ford f150 will start with some help from gas in the throttle body, and pumping, will run as long as I keep pumping, makes a loud pop sound under hood, tries to bog down and then dies, also the rear anti lock light came on when it started giving me problems and is still on, I've replaced all 3 fuel pumps, regulator. Inline filter,4 injectors on driver side, cap and rotor, wires and plugs, alternator, starter, checked all vacuum lines, before it started running ruff I did do an fi cleaning, then about 2 months later started running weird then about 3 months later stopped running

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Re: 88 Ford f150 4x4 won't stay running

Unread post by carriedi » Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:10 pm

you should verify your fuel pressure when cranking and when you can keep it running. You should probable put it on a scope to loot at your spark waveforms. the scope will show if you have cylinders running too lean.

you might want to look at your coolant temp sensor too. make sure it isn't way out of spec.

there are a lot of things that can make it so the engine doesn't run correctly. without being there it is hard to say what things it could possibly be. You need to check the basics. If you use carb cleaner (not starting fluid) down the throttle body (in spurts) can you keep the engine running? if you can then you know it probably isn't a spark problem. It sounds like toy replaced almost all of the fuel supply parts but do you know what the pressure is at the rail? there is a port that is made so you can hook up a pressure gauge ad read the fuel pressure. If you measure it and it reads normal then you look at the injectors, coolant temp, throttle position sensor and the idle control solenoid. Like I said there are a lot of things that you need to check out. Restricted cat could also cause starting problems too.


Ford 2010 explorer 4.0 overheating when not accelerating

Unread post by Gildave » Mon Jul 18, 2016 5:10 pm

My ford 2010 explorer overheats in traffic. Once I park and allow it to cool down, the temperature gauge goes back to normal. It will be okay for another few days and the same problem reoccurs again.
Please what is the problem

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Re: Ford 2010 explorer 4.0 overheating when not accelerating

Unread post by carriedi » Mon Jul 18, 2016 8:28 pm

first thing you want to check is your coolant level. while the engine is cold, like first thing in the morning, open the radiator cap and check how much coolant is in the radiator. low coolant can cause similar symptoms as you are experiencing.

a partially closed thermostat or a plugged up radiator could also exhibit similar symptoms. When the engine is idling there is very low circulation from the water pump. If there are any restrictions like the thermostat or the radiator Or low coolant it will compound the loss of heat dissipation. Once you get moving and rev up the motor, you increase the flow from the water pump and also to air flow through the radiator (as the car moves air is forced through the radiator)

anyways, that's where I would start looking.


Starter turning over without key

Unread post by Michael » Tue May 25, 2021 11:43 am

I have a 2001 Ford F-250 7.3 diesel the starter is turning over without key In the ignition

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Re: Starter turning over without key

Unread post by carriedi » Wed May 26, 2021 5:25 pm

Take a look at the starter relay. sometimes the contacts stay connected. Or will connect on their own without the key turned on.

is this an intermittent problem or is it always on and you have to disconnect the battery to stop the starter from cranking?

if it's always cranking and you have to disconnect the battery, unplug the little dark blue and orange wire from the starter and touch the battery cable back up to the battery for just a second. If still want to crank the starter get a new relay.

if it's an intermittent think you will have to wait until it acts up and check it the same way. If disconnecting the small dark blue and orange wire from the relay doesn't stop the starter from running replace the relay.

If unplugging the small dark blue and orange wire does turn off the relay and the starter does stop, you need to look at the wiring from the ignition switch to see where the power is coming from to turn the relay on.

that's if you have the relay that bolts to the body in the hood area. If you have the relay that is the square plastic type you can just pull that relay from it's holder and see if the engine turns off. If it turns off try another relay or get the relay tested.

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