2002 ford f-250 dies

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Unread post by suzyq » Sat Feb 23, 2013 8:57 pm

We have a 2003 Ford F150 that we just bought. It rides great, but there are some mornings when we start it and battery dead. Bought brand new battery, had it in a very reputable shop 4 times and can NOT find anything wrong. so they decided that maybe unhooking stereo would stop it, it did for like 3 wks. and the other day, dead as a door knob battery. Anybody have any answers at all? We bought it as is, no warranty and paid $8,000 for it, but yet is not reliable.

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Unread post by Karl » Sun Feb 24, 2013 5:07 pm

As long as the alternator is charging and the battery goes dead overnight, this is called a parasitic draw. A mechanic is going to have to put a meter inline with the negative battery cable and measure for a current draw. Then remove circuit fuses one at a time until the draw goes away. Then that circuit needs to be diagnose.

There are way too many things that can cause this. Anything from a glovebox light staying on to a module drawing too much current.

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Unread post by carriedi » Thu Apr 11, 2013 4:28 am

Here's the thing with vehicles today. they have many things that run while the key is off and out of the car. usually they time out after ten minutes to an hour. Some cars turn things on all by themselves. The hard part is that they don't always do it. If you had a draw that was always there, that would be easy to find. Problem is that most cars today have draws that turn on and off by computers in the car. sometimes they stick on sometimes they won't The mechanic has to be lucky enough to have the draw come on when he can catch it. Diodes in the alternator may go bad and the battery drains though that. Easy catch. lights that stay on are easy. body control modules that turn things on in the night... not so easy. Windshield leaking on the fuse box is a Ford thing. Water on the GEM module too.

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2002 ford f-250 dies

Unread post by 4x4toys » Fri Sep 19, 2014 10:12 pm

Going down the road it will start running choppy then completely shut down. We replaced the fuel pump, ignition switch and when hooked to computer all it says is secondary fuel circuit relay. We changed the one in the box under the hood. Help please

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Re: 2002 ford f-250 dies

Unread post by carriedi » Sat Sep 20, 2014 10:54 pm

what was the code number that you got

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Ford F-150 egr problems

Unread post by earnie » Wed Feb 11, 2015 4:48 pm

2002 F150 4.6 egr sys. problem I have checked ohm readings on all voltage points and they are all in operating range voltage checks are a problem signel volts should be no higher than 4.9 I actuly have same as source voltage now I suspect a short in wireing harness.

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Re: Ford F-150 egr problems

Unread post by carriedi » Thu Feb 12, 2015 12:04 am

lets start from the beginning. why are you checking your egr system?

if you have had it scanned and got a code, what was the code or codes you had?

If you have a vacuum operated egr valve, connect the egr valve to a vacuum pump (or manifold vacuum) and apply vacuum to the valve. When the valve opens it should make the engine run very rough. Sometime it will be so bad the engine will die. That's a good valve. If the engine does not run really rough of if it doesn't make much difference than the normal idle, you have a bad valve or the ports are plugged up.

If you have a scanner that you can hook up and look at the data stream, look at the readings for the PFE or DPFE. then do the test of the valve. the PFE or Dpfe readings should change a lot as the egr valve opens. A lot of times the dpfe sensor will plug up and not see when the valve opens.

I don't understand when you say "checked ohm readings on all voltage points and they are all in operating range" I would need to know what you are measuring and what you are expecting to see so I can follow your diagnosing.

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Unread post by carriedi » Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:44 pm

dead battery of bad connection at battery terminal

use a test light or a Volt meter and check your voltage at the battery terminals and work out from there

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Unread post by Newbie23 » Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:16 pm

So I've recently inherited a 1976 Ford f150 with an extended cab after my father passed away and I've been wanting to fix it up into a drivable vehicle, the only problem is that I'm not a gearhead and know virtually nothing about fixing a truck that has been sitting for nearly three years. It has a flat rear tire and hasn't had gas or a battery in it for god knows how long, plus I'm not sure if the power steering still works. Where do I start?!

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Unread post by carriedi » Wed Aug 05, 2015 10:07 pm

just start with what you have. air up the tire. put a battery, add some fuel, check your oil and see what happens.


Ford 302 exhaust problem

Unread post by Topher » Sun Apr 03, 2016 10:54 pm

Hi, a couple months ago I installed a dual Magnaflow exhaust system with no catalytic converters onto my 84 302 ford e150 van. I'm getting very little sound out of the left pipe, the right is nice and loud. But just by putting my hand next to the pipes I can feel the preasure difference. does anyone know what's up ,possibly? Thx

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