Ford Taurus Just Stops running

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Ford Taurus Just Stops running

Unread post by wmona86 » Sun Dec 27, 2015 3:56 pm

my 1998 ford taurus station wagon dies after I drive it for 10 minutes and the battery light comes on. After I wait for a few hours it starts right up! It been leaking oil from somewhere? Check oils all OK.

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Re: Ford Taurus Just Stops running

Unread post by carriedi » Mon Dec 28, 2015 4:21 am

unless you have a code stored in memory you may not be able to know what is happening without checking it when it dies and won't restart. When it doesn't start you have to see if you have spark, correct fuel pressure and injector pulse. Once it dies and doesn't restart you check to find out what you are missing and then go from there. Fuel pump, crank sensor, computer, cam synchronizer...

does the battery light come on before it dies? it should come on once the engine dies but the key is still in the run position.

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Re: Ford Taurus Just Stops running

Unread post by wmona86 » Mon Dec 28, 2015 12:55 pm

Yes it's still in the drive position. I'm driving on the freeway! Spark on battery. It's brand new! New alternator, transmission, Head and Gasket. When it dies while driving, the only light that comes on is the battery light.

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Re: Ford Taurus Just Stops running

Unread post by wmona86 » Mon Dec 28, 2015 12:59 pm

Also I will add. When I go to restart it, it doesn't. Sound like it might, but doesnt. I stop to avoid flooding engine. Not until hours later it starts right up!

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Re: Ford Taurus Just Stops running

Unread post by carriedi » Mon Dec 28, 2015 6:17 pm

When I say check for spark I mean at the spark plugs. make sure you have spark going to the spark plug to fire the cylinder, just in case there is any confusion.

If you are worried about flooding the engine, after you have cranked for a while and the engine has not started, you can push the gas pedal all the way to the floor. When the engine computer sees that you are cranking the engine and sees that the TPS (throttle position sensor) is showing the pedal is pushed to the floor, the computer will go into a condition called "clear flood". It will stop firing the fuel injectors so you won't get anymore gas into the cylinders. As you crank the engine with the gas pedal down it will only let air through to clear the flooded engine of fuel.

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