High revs when clutch depressed

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High revs when clutch depressed

Unread post by charliebrownboy » Tue Mar 17, 2015 4:56 pm

I have a 1998 1.8 zeetec petrol ford focus. I have a problem that when I press the clutch in, the revs go high until the selected gear is engaged when it returns to a reasonable level. When in neutral the revs idle normally and the engine is smooth. It only happens when the clutch is depressed. any help would be appreciated. Thank You in anticipation

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Re: High revs when clutch depressed

Unread post by carriedi » Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:13 pm

so have you had your car scanned to see what is happening when the idle revs? Does the TPS go all the way down to it's idle position? Have you tried cleaning the IAC? Do you happen to know what model your car would be in the USA? (Escort?) I know that other country models have had issues with the intake manifolds. Some idle flare was programmed if on updated software. Iad would open while driving and when the clutch pedal is depressed creates a vacuum leak before the computer sees the clutch in and the throttle returned to idle.

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Re: High revs when clutch depressed

Unread post by charliebrownboy » Wed Mar 18, 2015 2:44 pm


Thank you for comments. Have had the scan, no probs detected. The revs are high when the clutch is depressed, not when the gear is engaged, when engaging neutral revs return to normal. A clutch switch is fitted to the top of the pedal, do you know what this actually does, and if this switch is defective could this be the problem. Before I get to the IACV, TPS or MAP sensor I wanted to eliminate other possible causes. Any other ideas would be appreciated.

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Re: High revs when clutch depressed

Unread post by carriedi » Wed Mar 18, 2015 11:00 pm

a scanner is not just to look for codes. you may have a problem that will not set a code. You may have a "within spec" failure. That's when you you look at your data stream to see what the engine is doing when the condition happens. With a scanner you can graph the data stream and look at you O2 sensor, your fuel trims, your coolant temp, your Idle air control, your throttle position sensor and your speed sensor. Is your TPS going back down normally when you let off the gas? are the fuel trims showing a lean condition that the computer is adding fuel for? Is the IAC reading high adding more air?

Under normal circumstances the only things that raise your idle is the throttle open or too much air. There is a clutch switch that the computer monitors for neutral safety. I don't believe it is used for shifting.

you shouldn't replace any parts without seeing what they are doing. You might want to call your ford dealer and ask them about updated software and/or parts for your particular problem. It is a very common problem for fords.

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Re: High revs when clutch depressed

Unread post by raneger » Mon Jun 01, 2015 4:18 am

Try and check this rangerovertransmissionsanjose.com I have my clutch fixed in here and I was satisfied.