Cruise control problem on a 2004 Ford Freestar

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Cruise control problem on a 2004 Ford Freestar

Unread post by StephanieFran » Mon Jan 26, 2015 4:33 pm

2004 Ford Freestar with a 4.2 engine has a cruise control that is no longer working and the diagnoses is that the Brake Fluid Control Switch is bad. The brake fluid control switch is in the brake fluid reservoir but I am having a problem in removing the switch. Can anyone tell me the best way to remove and replace the switch and not damage the Brake Fluid reservoir? There is a two wire connector attached to the switch.

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Re: Cruise control problem on a 2004 Ford Freestar

Unread post by carriedi » Mon Jan 26, 2015 8:32 pm

have you purchased the switch as a separate piece? (level switch) Or does ford sell it with the reservoir?
Brake Master Cylinder Reservoir

or, are you talking about the cruise control cutoff switch that screws into the master cylinder? (looks like a pressure switch the is mounted on the bottom of the master)
Cruise Control Cutout Switch

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Re: Cruise control problem on a 2004 Ford Freestar

Unread post by StephanieFran » Mon Jan 26, 2015 8:40 pm

I have a separate switch. Are you indicating the switch screws into the reservoir?
The cutout switch I am talking about is near the top of the reservoir. Looking from the front of the vehicle it is near the top left hand side of the brake fluid reservoir and faces forward. The connector has two wires hanging downward. One wire is green and the other black. Does this connector have any type of release lever/button etc?

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Re: Cruise control problem on a 2004 Ford Freestar

Unread post by carriedi » Mon Jan 26, 2015 8:47 pm

you have a level switch that goes in the reservoir and turns a red light on the dash to tell you the brake fluid is low. Is the red brake light coming on?

you should have another switch that screws into the metal body of the master cylinder. That one is the cruise control cutoff switch.

which one are you trying to change?

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Re: Cruise control problem on a 2004 Ford Freestar

Unread post by StephanieFran » Mon Jan 26, 2015 8:51 pm

No the red light is not coming on. The green light that indicates the cruise is engaged is not coming on. Thank you it seems the mechanic pointed to the wrong location. Thank you. The statement of the garage was that the Brake Fluid Level Switch is the problem not the cut off switch so in retro can it be the brake fluid level switch has two functions

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Re: Cruise control problem on a 2004 Ford Freestar

Unread post by carriedi » Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:08 pm

I can't tell you what they diagnosed but the fluid level sensor is to tell you if the brake fluid gets low inside the master. It's for the light on the dash and for the operation of the ABS system. Do you know if they scanned for codes and they had a code for that sensor? what was the code number?

the cruise control uses the cruise control cutoff pressure switch to turn off the cruise when you put on the brake. it is in the right upper side of the wiring diagram. did the person that was looking at you problem tell you a code number for the cruise system?
top half cruise.jpg
Ford Freestar cruise control wiring diagram #1.
top half cruise.jpg (188.8 KiB) Viewed 40496 times
bottom half of cruise.jpg
Ford Freestar cruise control wiring schematics diagram #2.
bottom half of cruise.jpg (122.86 KiB) Viewed 40496 times

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Re: Cruise control problem on a 2004 Ford Freestar

Unread post by StephanieFran » Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:17 pm

The problem is not in shutting off the cruise control it is starting the cruise control. No I do not have the codes that they obtained. I guess I could get them but they were adamant that the problem is the Brake Fluid Level Sensing switch. There is no Red Light appearing only the green light that indicates the cruise control is engaged. The green light blinks when you try to engage the cruise control but will not stay on.

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Re: Cruise control problem on a 2004 Ford Freestar

Unread post by carriedi » Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:31 pm

for safety concerns, the brake cutoff switch is the most important part of the cruise control system. the manufacturer wants to make sure the system goes off if the brake is applied. Nothing is more important is the cruise control system. they don't want you to have an accident because the cruise control didn't turn off. You should talk to the people that checked out your system and ask them about the brake switch for the cruise control. If the cruise control module doesn't see that switch working normally in the system it will not allow you to turn it on. it is also tied to your brake light switch on the brake pedal.

If you already have purchased the brake level sensor and it is a separate unit from the master cylinder reservoir, look at the sensor. look at how it looks like it would go into the reservoir. there should be a small lock tab that will clip into the reservoir when it goes all the way in. that tab is what would have to be released to allow you to get the old sensor out. It may be difficult to get the old sensor out. (if it is made to come out, some are not)

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Re: Cruise control problem on a 2004 Ford Freestar

Unread post by danbodart » Mon Mar 28, 2016 2:09 pm

I have the same problem. The green light just blinks and the cruise wont engage. What did you find to be the problem?

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