Car makes fast clicking noise and doesn't start

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Car makes fast clicking noise and doesn't start

Unread post by kolmadava » Sat Mar 30, 2013 11:16 am

I cannot get my mother's 2003 Ford Taurus to start.The lights come on and normal alarms.The battery cables are making good connection.It makes a fast clicking noise when trying to start.I guessed it is either the alternator or starter,but I am not a mechanic. Thanks

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Re: Car makes fast clicking noise and doesn't start

Unread post by ProTech » Sun Mar 31, 2013 10:20 pm

It's probably the starter solenoid that is making the clicking noise. This could be due to the solenoid itself being faulty, or you could have a bad starter. The solenoid 'clicks' when engaged and sending power to the starter. You can have someone listen under the hood while you try and crank the vehicle and see where exactly the noise is coming from. You can try jumping across the solenoid to bypass it and see if the car starts (with the key on). If so, you know the solenoid is bad...if not, you're probably looking at a bad starter motor.
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Re: Car makes fast clicking noise and doesn't start

Unread post by perello123 » Wed May 04, 2016 5:03 pm

Lincoln towncar 97 ac doesn't start. Compressor clutch doesn't engage. I checked part of wiring and there isn't power in ac cut off relay, especifically in terminal or connector 30 of Ford relay.
Where is coming from before relay to check?

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Re: Car makes fast clicking noise and doesn't start

Unread post by carriedi » Thu May 05, 2016 10:39 am

"ac clutch out" comes from the Automatic temperature control module. then goes to the high pressure switch then to the cycling switch then to the compressor WOT cutout relay.

first thing I would look for is system pressure. make sure you have enough pressure to turn the system on. Then if the pressure is high enough to turn the system on but it doesn't come on I would look at the cycling switch. they go bad.


Re: Car makes fast clicking noise and doesn't start

Unread post by Jaxer » Mon May 16, 2016 10:39 am

The Battery needs to be replaced. One hard click is a starter issue. Fast clicking or repeating clicks(click, click, click) is a battery issue. Since you have already checked the connections, replacing the battery is the next step. The dash lights require very little amperage as compared to the starter. REPLACE THE BATTERY and all will be good once more.


Re: Car makes fast clicking noise and doesn't start

Unread post by Lagat » Fri Oct 20, 2017 10:19 am

This fast clicking sound usually means a dead battery. To fix this simply charge your battery or boost your car. If not the battery it could be lose wiring to and/or from the starter. To fix this simply tighten the wiring or replace the wiring if it is faulty.

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