Operation of VSES on 2011 GMC Sierra 5.3

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Operation of VSES on 2011 GMC Sierra 5.3

Unread post by GUEST » Fri Mar 19, 2021 5:27 pm

My 2011 GMC Sierra has an intermittent error- "Stabilitrak/Service Traction Control " when driving. how do I determine if the problem is a wheel sensor or the yaw sensor?

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Re: Operation of VSES on 2011 GMC Sierra 5.3

Unread post by carriedi » Sun Mar 21, 2021 4:39 am

you should have the vehicle scanned for codes. there should be codes stored for the times the light came on. There are a lot of different things that can cause this message to pop up. The code stored in the EBCM should tell you what direction you need to go.

codes can lead you to ABS enable relay (EBCM) to wheel speed sensor. Without reading the codes you aren't going to be able to know what is happening. Especially if it's intermittent.

find out what the codes are and let me know. Intermittent warning light thast comes on and then goes off usually means the condition corrected it self. So, the code stored is the only way to run it down

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