Can you help me with a few codes that came up with my 2010 Y

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Can you help me with a few codes that came up with my 2010 Y

Unread post by mcharlet » Wed Aug 02, 2017 12:14 pm

the 1st code is P0AC4 and the 2nd one is P0BBD. Today is the 2nd day that my car has stalled in the stop and it is fine until the next morning and does it in the exact same location. When it stalls I cut the engine off and restart it and no problems with it until the next morning. Could you enlighten me on the causes that may be happening and what I may need to do. Thanks

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Re: Can you help me with a few codes that came up with my 20

Unread post by carriedi » Wed Aug 02, 2017 10:22 pm

you should take your vehicle into the dealer and see if the hybrid battery control module is working normally and the battery is good

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