2004 Yukon 1500 XL Denali suspension air dryer

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2004 Yukon 1500 XL Denali suspension air dryer

Unread post by rhsou » Mon May 15, 2017 10:55 pm

I just replaced my rear shocks and compressor. In the process I also used an air dryer kit. As I was cleaning out the air dryer It looked really bad so I decided to try to blow through the top portion of it to see if I could push any debris out. I found that I could blow air from the inside to the outside but not from the outside in. Is that normal? I don't want to risk burning up a brand new compressor because it can't get the air it needs. Do I need to consider replacing the air dryer or is it OK as is?

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Re: 2004 Yukon 1500 XL Denali suspension air dryer

Unread post by carriedi » Tue May 16, 2017 3:13 am

I'm pretty sure that it only goes one way. there should be check valves so the air goes out to the shocks from the compressor but when the compressor turns off it will hold the air pressure in the shocks.

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Re: 2004 Yukon 1500 XL Denali suspension air dryer

Unread post by rhsou » Tue May 16, 2017 9:29 am

I considered that, too, but it seems that the air is allowed to go out but not in. If it was intentionally a 1 way valve it seems like it should be the other way. It also occurred to me, though, that it may be an open and closable valve. Maybe it is simply closed until needed...?

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Re: 2004 Yukon 1500 XL Denali suspension air dryer

Unread post by rhsou » Tue May 16, 2017 11:27 am

I called a local GMC dealer and spoke with someone in their service department. He told me that it doesn't sound right and he would recommend replacement. As much as I don't want to spend even more time and money, I just ordered another dryer. Better that than to end up needing another compressor.

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Re: 2004 Yukon 1500 XL Denali suspension air dryer

Unread post by carriedi » Wed May 17, 2017 11:20 am

let me know when you get the new drier if it still only lets air through on way or not. And if it goes the other way. I would appreciate it very much.

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Re: 2004 Yukon 1500 XL Denali suspension air dryer

Unread post by rhsou » Thu May 18, 2017 12:23 pm

I got the new one today and, yes, I can blow air through it in both directions (with some resistance) indicating that replacing the part was the right call.

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Re: 2004 Yukon 1500 XL Denali suspension air dryer

Unread post by carriedi » Sun May 21, 2017 1:07 am

ok, that good to know.

I wonder what would make it so it would only work one way when it gets old or dirty?

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