1999 GMC Safari Van Anti Theft Passlock Module

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1999 GMC Safari Van Anti Theft Passlock Module

Unread post by 101267 » Sat Jan 21, 2017 1:39 pm

My van stopped running about a month ago. There is no alarm light on and no one has been able to bypass it. I've tried looking for the module #09352885 CJWR to replace it but the dealers say the part has been discontinued and the junkyards don't have it. Do you have any idea where I can locate the part or get my vehicle to start?

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Re: 1999 GMC Safari Van Anti Theft Passlock Module

Unread post by carriedi » Sun Jan 22, 2017 3:11 pm

have you had your van scanned with a tech2 to look at the passlock module? It should show a voltage reading from the key switch. If you have the wrong voltage but do show a voltage it just might need to be reprogrammed. If it doesn't show a reading to register a key then you may have a break in the wires to the key sensor. Before you try to find a module you should find out if that is your problem.

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