Need help 1998 Eighty Eight LS 3.8

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Where is the ESC module on a 93 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme?

Unread post by Amandanaj » Tue Feb 17, 2015 5:20 pm

Where is the ESC module on a 93 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme?

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Re: Where is the ESC module on a 93 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supre

Unread post by carriedi » Wed Feb 18, 2015 9:16 am

why would you be looking for it? If you have a code like 43 or something you should look at the knock sensor or the wiring to the knock sensor. You might not have a separate esc module on your vehicle. It would be built into part of your mem-cal (prom) in the ecm.
oldsmobile ESC module location.jpg
Oldsmobile ESC control module location.
oldsmobile ESC module location.jpg (20.19 KiB) Viewed 16483 times

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1990 Oldsmobile Cutless Supreme knock sensor

Unread post by manderson » Wed Apr 29, 2015 4:27 pm

Is the knock sensor in the same place as the 1994 model?

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Re: 1990 Oldsmobile Cutless Supreme knock sensor

Unread post by carriedi » Thu Apr 30, 2015 9:30 am

below the exhaust manifold right rear of the engine

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olds delta 88 stalling issue

Unread post by longlinerz » Sat May 16, 2015 1:05 pm

I have a 98 delta 88. When the outside temp is 85 or above the fuel pump starts whining. This gives me warning that it will stall at any moment. Usually the whining noise stops just before it stalls. Letting it sit for 15-20 minutes it starts right up. This whining noise seems to start when the engine temp goes above 200 degrees. I have checked the fuel pressure and that is good (50 psi). I did change the fuel filter, a lot of black crud came out of the filter when I disconnected it. There doesn't seem to be a time or mileage limit when this happens. I have flushed and changed the coolant. It is very difficult to read any error codes when this happens because it remedies itself so quickly. Any ideas or comments on this problem?

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Re: olds delta 88 stalling issue

Unread post by carriedi » Sat May 16, 2015 8:29 pm

It sounds like you might have a bad fuel pump. Normal engine temp should be around 200. That's usually the center of the gauge for most cars. (200-210) Electric fans usually start up around 220 and up. that should not affect the fuel pump making noise. If you can tell when the car is going to stall, drive with a fuel gauge on the vehicle and see if the fuel pressure drops when the engine stalls. The fuel pump is just an electric motor. Some make more noise than others. But, if yours always make more noise just before it stalls, with a fuel pressure gauge on it you can see if there is a problem with too much pressure (sticking fuel pressure regulator or something blocking the pressure) and that's why it's whining or it whining because it's dragging (making it hot) and will get slower until it stops running. After it cools back down it will run again.

A shorted furl injector will also cause an engine to shut off when it gets warm. An injector could run fine when it's cold but when it gets hot short to ground and take all the voltage from the other injectors killing the engine completely.

A fuel

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98 Olds Achieva electrical problems

Unread post by mjwettoes » Mon Sep 21, 2015 8:01 pm

1998 Oldsmobile Achieva - all the lights on the dash light up, but all the fluids are topped off. Also hard to start without holding the key on for a couple of seconds and pumping the gas pedal. Now the turn signals only flash once, and when I need to, I have to flick them on and off manually in order to signal a turn. Repair shop said to disconnect the battery for a few hours, then reconnect to reset the computer. Any suggestions?

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Re: 98 Olds Achieva electrical problems

Unread post by carriedi » Tue Sep 22, 2015 10:18 pm

need to have your instrument cluster scanned for codes. Check the powers and grounds. Make sure you have a good connection behind the cluster.

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Need help 1998 Eighty Eight LS 3.8

Unread post by Oldschool76 » Mon Oct 30, 2017 10:34 am

I need help. I have a 1998 eighty eight LS that shows symptoms of over heating but temperature gage is normal , but shuts off and car will not restart until it cools all the way down. Engine miss fires and backfires and goes dead diesling.

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Re: Need help 1998 Eighty Eight LS 3.8

Unread post by carriedi » Mon Oct 30, 2017 11:32 pm

Unplug the vacuum line to your fuel pressure regulator and see if there is fuel in the line or regulator. Sometimes they leak an that will work fine when the engine is cold and needs more fuel but after the engine warms up it floods the engine.

the same thing can happen if your coolant temp sensor stops working. If the coolant sensor stops working (goes dead) the computer will read -40 degrees f. May start ok cold but will flood the engine if the engine is warmed up.

check those things first

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door unlock problem

Unread post by sirstewart » Thu May 31, 2018 3:30 am

on my 03 oldsmobile alero, when I turn off the car the doors won't unlock. How do I fix it.

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Re: door unlock problem

Unread post by carriedi » Thu May 31, 2018 8:24 am

your door lock module may be in the wrong mode for what you want it to do.

you can program the locks to mode 2. that locks all the doors when you shift out of park and unlocks the drivers door when you put it back into park and turn the key off.

program: get in and close all the doors. Turn the key to the run position. Hold the "LOCK" button on the door for 10 seconds. the car will chime to tell you what mode it is in. Press the lock button on the door again for another 10 seconds. That will move it to the next phase to program. It should chime again. Press and hold the lock button on the remote until it chimes the mode you want. (mode 2) Turn the key off to leave the programming mode.

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