3.5 Olds Intrigue 2002 service ports
2000 intrigue
Just bought this intrigue recently and when you put it in anything other than park there's a warning chime that relentlessly dings during your entire drive. Was wondering if maybe somehow a seatbelt wire was lose or something however there are no indicator lights on the dash. The fuel gauge works when it wants but last start it said full and still had the constant warning chime. Any tips or ideas would be great, for now the radio works to drown out the chiming.
Re: 2000 intrigue
you might have to use a scanner and check different aspects of the body control module. the door switches, seat belt switches, park brake switch...
1998 88 olds won't start makes clack sound
yesterday car randomly died but then was fine. fuel filter needed to be changed so I did that and now it won't start or crank I just hear a loud clack sound. what do I do now?
Re: 1998 88 olds won't start makes clack sound
If the car does not crank now, you may have a bad starter- but that would not explain the stalling out. For stalling, the fuel pump may be going out. You would need to check fuel pressure when it stalls to see if the pump is failing.
Check the basics first- clean and tighten battery connections, then test starter.
Check the basics first- clean and tighten battery connections, then test starter.
3.5 Olds Intrigue 2002 service ports
Hello. I recently charged my a.c. on 3.5 intrigue & stupid me starting putting it in wrong port. No big damage. Did find right low service port next to the one. So I want to know what port did I mistake or for. Its along firewall with green cap, behind brake fluid fill. See pic.
Re: 3.5 Olds Intrigue 2002 service ports
2002 vehicles have quick connect fitting for R134A systems. The ports are different sizes so it should be close to impossible to connect to the wrong AC port. And they are usually color coded red and blue (the hose connectors. What hose connection did you have to fill the AC system?
There should be a plastic hose that has a port valve similar to a fuel pressure port. It has a green cap. It is the EVAP service port. Should go from the intake (purge solenoid) to the charcoal canister.
There should be a plastic hose that has a port valve similar to a fuel pressure port. It has a green cap. It is the EVAP service port. Should go from the intake (purge solenoid) to the charcoal canister.
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