2001 chevy silverado 1500 4.8 new alt and battery, still die
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Tue Jul 25, 2017 9:32 am
2001 chevy silverado 1500 4.8 new alt and battery, still die
Coming home from work noticed on freeway lights getting dim, RPM'S not functioning battery light on. push gas peddle and it goes.21 miles to get home and still no change ,but right before I got there everything started flickering and finally shuts off. Jump started it n made it home,shuts off as I reversed to turn and park jump started it and as I'm parking it everything is off but take foot off of brake pedal and it goes by itself very accelerated. Bought brand new battery and new alternator that is replacing one I had just installed about 4 to 6 months ago. Started it up and idling rough wanting to turn off , also had a sound system professionally installed a while back and since it stalled on me can't hear anything from my stereo...I take the negative battery terminal off and it turns off , with new battery and alternator...please help, it's driving me crazy.
Re: 2001 chevy silverado 1500 4.8 new alt and battery, still
hey, i am sorry but I don't know what you are trying to say.
You may be running multiple things together and I don't see the separation of the different things.
what is your truck doing that is your concern? you start the engine and it starts and stays running. then what happens? Have you measured the volyage at the battery when the engine is running? Should be 13.8 to 14.2 volts. That's when the alternator is charging the battery at idle.
I don't know if I read you right or not but you say you take the negative battery terminal off and it turns off. What turns off? you engine, your stereo? and negative terminal of what? the battery? You should never take off the battery cables off of the battery when the engine is running. The alternator has to see the battery to know how much to charge. If there is no battery, the alternator can go full on and burn out.
so, break it down for me. I need a step by step so I can follow along
You may be running multiple things together and I don't see the separation of the different things.
what is your truck doing that is your concern? you start the engine and it starts and stays running. then what happens? Have you measured the volyage at the battery when the engine is running? Should be 13.8 to 14.2 volts. That's when the alternator is charging the battery at idle.
I don't know if I read you right or not but you say you take the negative battery terminal off and it turns off. What turns off? you engine, your stereo? and negative terminal of what? the battery? You should never take off the battery cables off of the battery when the engine is running. The alternator has to see the battery to know how much to charge. If there is no battery, the alternator can go full on and burn out.
so, break it down for me. I need a step by step so I can follow along
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Tue Jul 25, 2017 9:32 am
Re: 2001 chevy silverado 1500 4.8 new alt and battery, still
Hi OK the truck loses power while driving on the freeway, I mean RPM's are not working but if I push the gas peddle it speeds up. It's about a 20 mile drive from work to home. About a mile before getting home lights start flickering ,battery light is coming on , n then everything shuts off including truck. The whole way home I would thing running it would help charge the battery...so have to get a jump start and when I get home I let go of the brake peddle and the truck starts moving at an accelerated pace. But it still idles rough and it shuts off by itself. The whole taking off the negative battery terminal is what they told me to do as to find out if it's the alternator. So the truck starts but once it's moving or when it's being driven it starts loosing power. The first day it did that my stereo turns on but I can't hear anything coming from it .I hope I explained it a Lil better this time. Basically I'm not understanding with a brand new alternator with it happens to be the 3rd one within a 4 to 6 month period and a new battery why it keeps loosing power especially while being driven. Thank you for your fast reply
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Tue Jul 25, 2017 9:32 am
Re: 2001 chevy silverado 1500 4.8 new alt and battery, still
Hi again thanks to whom ever replied to me earlier, I just got a chance to really read your reply. I'm trying to find out what is causing my truck to loose power while I'm driving. I had mentioned removing the negative BATTERY terminal and the truck turns off, I was told to do this and if my truck shuts off it would be the alternator. It's a brand new alternator and I took the alternator to get it tested and it's good. When I start my truck it stays on but idling roughly and sounds like its about to turn off , and the battery light comes on n off and dashboard lights are getting dim . I rev my truck up and still the light are dimming and battery light is blinking and then my whole dashboard starts flickering and it shuts off but my truck is still running then after about 10 to 15 minutes truck shuts off. I checked the wire going from the alternator to the battery and there is no corrosion or burnt signs. Now I have to test what you had asked me if I had tested the voltage on the battery while running when I get home. I have the book for this truck that shows everything about the engine and how to remove and replace any part on it , but I have not read anything that would help me explain what's going on with it. I'm new to this whole truck thing so please bare with me,I'm a girl that's just used to Lil cars. so if you can help me please figure out what the problem with my truck is I would greatly appreciate it.
Re: 2001 chevy silverado 1500 4.8 new alt and battery, still
ok, who ever told you to take th4e battery cable off while the engine is running, don't listen to them anymore. I know they mean well but that is wrong and bad for the alternator. It could burn the alternator up. It could also damage electrical components as the alternetor voltage spikes when the battery voltage it is looking for is gone. So, don't disconnect your battery from the vehicle while the engine is running.
I think you will need to take your truck to a shop and have them scan your vehicle. You may have more than one problem. It does sound like your alternator is not charging. Simple voltage check should let you know it is working or not. Do you have a volt meter? you should have 12.6 volts at the battery terminals when everything is turned off and when you start the engine and it is running at idle, it should read 13.8 to around 14.2. It can be a little less or a little more depending on the battery but as an average...
If your battery is not being charged and you are driving it around, as you drive the battery gets lower and lower voltage to your vehicle. All the electrical circuits need that 12 volts to send out and receive signals to know what the vehicle is doing. Your computer has 12 volts and sends out a 5 volt reference to many sensors and figures out how to run from that. If the battery runs down to 10 volts or less it won't be sending out a 5 volt signal anymore. So all the sensors will send the wrong signals back to the computer.
Low voltage, and jumping the engine also sends spikes through the electrical system. Those spikes can damage electrical components too.
Someone needs to drive your vehicle and see what the battery is doing. They need to see if the alternator is working or not. They need to see if the correct voltage is going through the ignition switch.
the battery and charging system may be one problem and the losing power may be or may not be related to that. But you need to check that out first and get that part corrected and ten see how everything goes.
I think you will need to take your truck to a shop and have them scan your vehicle. You may have more than one problem. It does sound like your alternator is not charging. Simple voltage check should let you know it is working or not. Do you have a volt meter? you should have 12.6 volts at the battery terminals when everything is turned off and when you start the engine and it is running at idle, it should read 13.8 to around 14.2. It can be a little less or a little more depending on the battery but as an average...
If your battery is not being charged and you are driving it around, as you drive the battery gets lower and lower voltage to your vehicle. All the electrical circuits need that 12 volts to send out and receive signals to know what the vehicle is doing. Your computer has 12 volts and sends out a 5 volt reference to many sensors and figures out how to run from that. If the battery runs down to 10 volts or less it won't be sending out a 5 volt signal anymore. So all the sensors will send the wrong signals back to the computer.
Low voltage, and jumping the engine also sends spikes through the electrical system. Those spikes can damage electrical components too.
Someone needs to drive your vehicle and see what the battery is doing. They need to see if the alternator is working or not. They need to see if the correct voltage is going through the ignition switch.
the battery and charging system may be one problem and the losing power may be or may not be related to that. But you need to check that out first and get that part corrected and ten see how everything goes.
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