89 chevy.im stumped


89 chevy.im stumped

Unread post by Jake123 » Tue Jul 05, 2016 9:11 pm

Ok.my 89 chevy dies when put into reverse,drive and dies at a stop.ive replaced almost every sebsor under the hood (besides knock sensor cause nothing to do with the problem) replaced egr cleaned throttle body.plz help. Btw c1500 350 5.7

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Re: 89 chevy.im stumped

Unread post by carriedi » Wed Jul 06, 2016 10:35 am

two things you should look at are:

the torque converter lock up and

the distributor.

Both are common problems that will cause the engine to die when shifting into gear.

what happens if you hold the RPM's up when you shift it into gear?

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