intermitin ABS reading on a 2003 silerada 1500 2wd 4.8L

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intermitin ABS reading on a 2003 silerada 1500 2wd 4.8L

Unread post by Dennis » Wed Dec 23, 2015 1:17 am

the truck came in with no ABS lights on the dash at all. But the truck was hopping at stops. I put the scanner on it and it said DS ABS sensor failure and PS weak. replaced both. Now on the test drive the ABS light came on rescanned and its reading DS intermitin. i've check the conections replaced the sensor with the best quality one and still its reading the same problem. Now the truck is not hopping at stops. Its braking fine... Just that light keeps coming on. I'm going to try the ground wire but I've never had this problem come up before and i don't want to keeprunning in circules. Any suggestions would help thanks.... Again there was no ABS light on to begin with and its a 2003 2wd 4.8L....I'm going to pull up the codes this mornibg and I will post them a little later....wELL THE CODE WAS c0227 If I remember right. I changed the front hub and the ABS light is now out but the chattering has come back but now only in the last 1 to 2 feet.... its more like a skipping. the only other thing i can think is the ECBM.

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Re: intermitin ABS reading on a 2003 silerada 1500 2wd 4.8L

Unread post by carriedi » Wed Dec 23, 2015 5:08 am

so, what were the codes? before you changed things and what are the codes now. They should four numbers after a letter. (like C0161 or something)

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