Stabilitrack/traction control warning light

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2006 equinox hvac blend door actuator

Unread post by johnw » Thu Oct 23, 2014 2:10 pm

I replaced the broken blend door and also put a new actuator on.The problem I am having is the new actuator over rotated when I turned the tempature knob to full hot resulting in a broken actuator.I did the calibration thing where you push the ac and recirculation button three times within two seconds.Can someone tell me if I needed to do something else.Also could the hvac control module be causing the over rotation of the actuator.

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Re: 2006 equinox hvac blend door actuator

Unread post by carriedi » Mon Oct 27, 2014 1:07 am

you say that the actuator broke. what broke on it?

so, after you replaced the blend door and then put the actuator back on and then did the calibration on the actuators, that's when you set it to hot and it broke?

and yes the controls could be sending a bad signal to the actuator motor but you should look for a code for the HVAC and look at the data stream to see what the actuators are doing. When you use the controls and tell the blend door to move from all the way hot to all the way cold and back and forth, does it move at all?

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