dropped throttle body cleaner straw in throttle body

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dropped throttle body cleaner straw in throttle body

Unread post by Guest » Sun Feb 19, 2023 6:11 pm

Will this harm the engine if a start it?

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Re: dropped throttle body cleaner straw in throttle body

Unread post by carriedi » Tue Feb 21, 2023 8:51 pm

you can't see it to get it out?

The best thing that can happen is that you fish it out, of course, with a bendable grab tool and a bore scope. You could always remove the throttle body and that should give you a lot more room to look for it.

what kind of vehicle are you working on and what engine do you have?

It's not like it's something metal but it could get stuck for a while on a valve as it moves through the engine. Hanging up a valve could cause a misfire but then it would probably melt and pass through and burn on the catalytic converter. It could get stuck on the intake valve and cause a burned valve... slight possibility I guess. Never know. Stranger things have happened