1998 Pontiac grand am gt 3100

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1998 Pontiac grand am gt 3100

Unread post by Jolene » Tue Apr 21, 2020 5:15 pm

I have a coolant leak on passenger side looks like above crankshaft pulley but under power steering pump on a 1998 pontiac grand am gt 3100 V6. Water pump sits ahead of this so ruled that out? Is there plastic elbows up under the power steering pump? Oil is fine and no smoke so ruled out head gasket. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: 1998 Pontiac grand am gt 3100

Unread post by carriedi » Wed Apr 22, 2020 8:02 am

It's very hard to tell you about something that I can't see. A coolant leak follows a path that is the easiest to go down. It may zigzag down as gravity pulls it. Your best bet is to have someone with an angled mirror and a flashlight look at your engine while it is leaking. Water outlet, intake gasket, coolant hose adapter are all common leaks.

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